Conversation Between Cork Socialist and Coggeh

  1. Cork Socialist
    Ya i would be totally interested in that, I'm done my leaving cert this thursday so we will probably be popping back up soon after that I would say.
  2. Coggeh
    How'd ya get on with teh learning of teh dialectics ? lol

    Were going to be organising discussions for youth in the branch on things like what is marxism, what is historical materialism etc if your interested.
  3. Cork Socialist
    Ya we will be, just waiting till we finish the leaving cert.
  4. Coggeh
    Ya it is, oh yeah i remember ya, hope to have ya back soon!
  5. Cork Socialist
    I presume this is Kevin?..if so its Sean maybe you remember me and my brother Paul we are doing our leaving this year ?
  6. Coggeh
    Who's this ? you a member in cork ?
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