Conversation Between GallowsBird and artanis17

  1. GallowsBird
    Ah, it seems you need to be accepted by the (aforementioned absent) maintainer.
  2. Hi I have applied for the membership of m-l group couple of days ago.
  3. GallowsBird
    Thanks for the add, comrade. Good posts on the board.

    Have you been to the M-L group? It's quite active at the moment as we are mostly discussing group policy and electing a new maintainer. Although as our maintainer is (sadly) AWOL can you not join? I can't remember if you have to be accepted by the maintainer or not.
  4. GallowsBird
    Good to see another Marxist-Leninist on the site, new MLs haven't been seen for a while. Welcome, comrade.
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