Conversation Between Trystan and TheCultofAbeLincoln

  1. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

    It's like they use Das Kapital to fill the void left by the Bible in their lives LoL
  2. Trystan
    Ah yes, I still shop around a bit myself, but libertarian socialism is what I would generally identify as. But I try to to be too dogmatic . . . well, nobody can prophecy anything. Apart from those morons who think Marx was Nostradamus or something.
  3. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    No, unfortuantely I still have to work for a living

    But seriously, yes, I would very much like to see the obsolete system we have replaced by something far more egalitarian, though I admit I do not have the ability to prophesy what exactly that would be. I'm still shopping around
  4. Trystan
    So you're unrestricted? Your soul has been purged of the capitalistic disease, yes?
  5. Trystan
  6. TheCultofAbeLincoln
    Hello. I sense you have something on your mind, yes?
  7. Trystan
    Hello . . . comrade?
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