Conversation Between this is an invasion and bcbm

  1. bcbm
    small milieu, anyway. ;-)

    if you know anybody who would want to come speak out here you should let me know. i'm sure we can find a university group to sponsor it..
  2. lollll@at that kid calling me cmoney

  3. Damn. Small fuckin' world haha. I think Crudo just did a speaking event in Milwaukee.

    That's cool though. Some cool events just happened in Modesto. I think my favorite was the graffiti festival we had.
  4. bcbm
    i bet we have some mutual friends then.

    things out here are pretty bad, but there are a few things coming together that i am excited about.
  5. Oh tight. I know some people from the Milwaukee area.

    California is kinda cool. Anarchism outside of certain parts of the Bay Area and Modesto is pretty much a dead end though.
  6. bcbm
    ah right on. i'm chillin in the midwest right now. never been to cali.
  7. California. Used to run with MAC. lolol.

  8. bcbm
    sorry to hear that. i've had a pretty good night. what parts you hang around?
  9. that is what is up sir. I'm pretty fuckin' sober right now. Bored.
  10. bcbm
    i am so crunk right now.
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