Conversation Between Andrei Kuznetsov and hugsandmarxism

  1. Big hug
  2. Oi. I survived.
  3. Ya see? It feels good to be honest with yourself. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, comrade
  4. Andrei Kuznetsov
    Oh, who am I kidding? Anime- along with revolution- is such a huge part of my life. It's... it's good stuff.
  5. Oh come now. Why does everyone have to act as if anime is some kind of venereal disease? I like Kanon. I like the story, I like the characters, and I like that after watching it I come out with something of a catharsis. If you enjoy an anime, what is the problem with that?
  6. Andrei Kuznetsov
    Kanon, Clanaad, same fuckin' difference. We should BOTH be ashamed of ourselves.

    My relationship with anime is like an abusive relationship- I know it's bad for me, but I just keep coming back for more.
  7. No, it's from Kanon (the 2006 version) made by the same company. You should be ashamed for making that mistake
  8. Andrei Kuznetsov
    You have a Clannad avatar. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    I should be ashamed of myself for knowing what anime it came from.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8