Conversation Between AnonymousOne and Dogs On Acid

  1. AnonymousOne
    I do love cake....
  2. Dogs On Acid
    Glad to see you left Market-Socialism comrade, it always made me... *cringe*

    Join the Libertarian Socialists, we have cake.
  3. AnonymousOne
    I think the low ratings were because a lot of the mainstream press really disliked Thompson. I know the common critique of it was that it was too jumpy and wasn't lucid enough, but I thought Depp's narration held it together.

    Than I guess we can't stop here.
  4. Dogs On Acid
    Yeah it's a classic! I just can't understand the low ratings for it...

    Haven't read the book yet.

    BTW, this is bat country.
  5. AnonymousOne
    I approve of your avatar, that movie was excellent, and the book even better.
  6. AnonymousOne
    Yeah, I've always had Proudhonist sympathies, and a reading through of What is Property? has helped cement that in my mind.
  7. Dogs On Acid
    So are you Market-Socialist now?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7