Conversation Between OI OI OI and Joe Hill's Ghost

  1. how do you find the book so far?
  2. no my life is messed up at the moment so I m not in the mood to read.
    In fact I am not reading anything now.
    But I will soon.
  3. Joe Hill's Ghost
    Have you started "Bolsheviks and Worker's Control" ?
  4. So did you start State and revolution dude?
  5. Joe Hill's Ghost
    Its a deal
  6. I was a confused kiddie back then

    I ll read the book you suggested when I finish Bolshevism by Alan Woods and the continuation by Ted Grant.
    But promise me you will read state and revolution
  7. Joe Hill's Ghost
    That is very odd. How the hell does that work?

    My suggestion is to read "The Bolsheviks and Workers Control" by maurice Brinton. I think you'll find it very interesting.
  8. haha interesting indeed.
    No I am an allophone (meaning that I have a mother tongue that is not English or French)
    but I get by in English whle my French kind of sucks.
    I am hoping to work on it though.

    To tell you the truth I had one more interesting mix.
    I was a stalinist(hardcore, I even kissed Stalin's portrait before I went to bed)
    and an anarchist(??) as well . That was a couple of years back. Then I made a compromise between my authoritarian and anti-authoritarian self and I stand now somewhere in the middle of Stalinism and Anarchism.
    By the way you should really read Lenin's State and Revolution it really opened my eyes
  9. Joe Hill's Ghost
    Oddly enough, I never spent time as a Leninist. I once sympathized with Trotsky, and thought that Lenin wasn't too bad, but I made the jump from a democratic socialist to an anarchist. For a long time I was a democratic socialist and an anarcho syndicalist. That was an interesting mix!

    BTW are you a francophone Canadian?
  10. haha probably a cadre
    But I sense that you are yourself an ex-Leninist disgusted by your party and by Leninism so you moved to anarchism
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