Conversation Between Flying Purple People Eater and Rational Radical

  1. Rational Radical
    the ultimate troll
  2. Rational Radical
    You confuse me honestly, i never saw an anarcho-syndicalist defend the legacy of the bolsheviks as you do. Do you have any criticism of the bolsheviks or is it solely stalin? if so what are they and what makes anarcho-syndicalism preferable to leninism?
  3. Rational Radical
    And most of all,yurr for big gubment and anti-murican
  4. Rational Radical
    Lol you damn socialist,communist,muslim kenyan!!!
  5. Flying Purple People Eater
    Oh, and we're outlawing tea.
  6. Flying Purple People Eater
    USSA*. Damn those Russians, always stealing my ideas!
  7. Flying Purple People Eater
    Not as golden as the empire state building will be when I turn it into my personal Ameriko-Kremlin heaquarters as lead-chairman of the USSR! PRAISE SOCIALISM!
  8. Rational Radical
    Random thought but,your avatar is golden.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8