Conversation Between El Chuncho and Sam_b

  1. Sam_b
    'My friends'? I don't know these people. Also, mad props for using urban dictionary as a way of justifying things you say. The "just an expression" argument is an absolute classic when people need to wriggle out of reactionary crap. The idea you're leacturing me after throwing your toys out of the pram is also as laughable as it is utterly absurd.
  2. El Chuncho
    Funny that me just saying ''You should not have been a grammar NAZI, then?'' caused a tantrum from you and also your friends. ''grammar NAZI'' is simply use of colloquial English (specifically internet slang). If you feel that things are getting too much for you, you could just take a break from this site.

    And as I'll not post on your comments box again, I'll leave a bit of good natured advice. Be more polite to people. It makes you look better as a moderator (and I have had plenty of experiences as a both a mod and an admin) and prevents arguments like the one in the Sheridan thread.
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