Conversation Between RED DAVE and redasheville

  1. redasheville
  2. Thanx for the SW piece. I was a teacher in a high school in the ghetto in Brooklyn for years until a vicious principle targeted me (I was a UFT delegate) and the union did not give me an adequate defense (I was one of the leaders of the opposition in the UFT).

    I still miss it.
  3. redasheville
    Yea it's an anti-union, anti-public education, smear piece.

    Here is the Socialist Worker take on it:
  4. Thanx for thinking of me. Yes, I'm a teacher (in a private school). I knew nothing about the movie beyond its existence until your message. I thought it was science fiction. Here's the wikipedia link:

    Apparently, some teachers in NYC have protested it.
  5. redasheville
    You're a teacher, right? Have you seen Waiting For Superman? Our rank and file caucus is protesting it's general release in SF next week. I'm currently writing up the leaflet we will be distributing at the showings.
  6. Thanks for the article on the SF teachers. This is exactly the kind of militant stance we need to push for and expand.
  7. redasheville
    Hey comrade,
    Here is a story you might find interesting. It is written by an ISO member who is a leader in the rank and file caucus of my union.
  8. redasheville
    Hey comrade,
    Are you thinking of joining the ISO anytime soon?

    There are two ISers in the ISO here, one was a founding member of the ISO the other joined later. Both are still union militants and one is like a walking encyclopedia of US working class/radical history.
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