Conversation Between Valdyr and Die Neue Zeit

  1. Valdyr
    Thanks! Pleased to be there
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    Welcome to the Rev-Marx group!
  3. Valdyr
    Ah okay, saw your post in my thread. Thanks for the help!
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    I posted a response there.
  5. Valdyr
    Oh well, thanks anyway. I posted a thread asking about it in the economics forum. My opponent in a discussion is citing Collective Farming in Russia by Roy Laird in support of the figure that kolkhozy were 3% of the land (presumably he means the land allocated to agriculture, I doubt he'd make THAT obvious a mistake) area but produced 20% of the agricultural output.

    Is there anyone in particular on these forums I should direct myself to with a specialty in this? I confess I don't use this site much.
  6. Die Neue Zeit
    Other than wikipedia, I can't remember off-hand, alas.
  7. Valdyr
    Hi, I was reading old posts and saw your discussion of the sovkhozy vs. the kolkhozy in the history forum. I'm in a discussion involving this now, and I was wondering what your source was re. the higher productivity per acre of the sovkhozy?

    Thanks in advance
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