Conversation Between Sinred and The Ben G

  1. Sinred
    I know. The girl im gonna meet have pretty much prepared me for all the assholes over there.
  2. The Ben G
    Have you moved to the US yet? Be prepared to come under fire from People like 'Comrade' asshole. Beware the Republicans.
  3. Sinred
    Haha thx. Yeah, he almost embodies everything i hate: neoliberalism, anarchism, idealism, deluded mind, egoism, social darwinism, anticommunism, individualism, rockefeller sympathies, market fundamentalism, objectivism and i bet he´s lonely guy who has constructed a theory based on his own "moral" & ethics, without any consideration that there arent (and will never be) any material basis for it to happen, and if it did: it would be the ultimate blow against the working class. If he only had a power position, influence and som racists views he would be the ultimate asshole.
  4. The Ben G
    I love your rant to 'Comrade' anarchist. Hate that guy.
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