Conversation Between Parvati and The Garbage Disposal Unit

  1. Parvati
    Hey, I was out of the province for a few weeks, now I'm back! I've been in contact with the PCR-RCP through the student front, many years ago now. I know a few folks for the South-West anarchist community. I'm now studying at McGill, so it's also a new milieu for me; being involved with the Arts Union at UQAM during the strike, definitely one of the most combattive union. I'm also new on the Red Aid team, trying to launch a Defense group of revolutionary prisoners.
  2. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    I confess, I'm not super involved in Montreal in general. I mostly moved here to "get back on my feet" following a rough couple of months in my hometown (I'll spare you the details). I've mostly been around the Sud-Ouest anglo-Anarchist milieu. Lately, I've been trying to help out with Pelican Bay solidarity, but I've also been in and out of town a lot. How did you end up in the PCR?

    And thanks for the song link - I'm pretty partial to 60s-y agit-folk.
  3. Parvati
    And since you mentioned the Nouveaux Partisans song, I will post this one too :
  4. Parvati
    Yeah, that's a good idea, I could definitely talk to him also. I will try to finish the Coup pour Coup document, working on another part tonight!

    I'm curious; speaking in general, where are you involved in Montreal?
  5. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    How's the translation of "Coup Pour Coup" going?
    I'd love to help with any proofreading, if you want assistance.
    I'd also be enthusiastic to potentially write a little introduction of some sort, and publish it as a 'zine/pamphlet. I even suspect (though I'll have to talk to Karl), that it might be the sort of thing Kersplebedeb might be interested in distributing a few copies of.
  6. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Tres bizarre - it never turned up in my inbox.
    In any case, today I accidentally walked in on some "Team Leads" (ie supervisors) discussing it, and deciding to pass it on to management. So, you know, I'm a little spooked.

    Anyway, yeah, the few folk who felt everyone needed to hear their opinion also felt like everyone needed to know all about their politics generally, which was pretty funny. It's like, how do Bordiga or Bundism fit in to this discussion?
  7. Parvati
    I can't find a copy, but could you check your private messages to be sure you don't have it?

    It's great that you appreciate JMP's conference, I was not able to attend it. And I can easily think about who you're referring too specifically, but He's not our comrade, he's such an annoying self-interested man...
  8. Parvati
    But I send you a check up over a week now? o_O
  9. The Garbage Disposal Unit
    Heyo -
    Hope you made it through the last five days of mass arrests, etc. unscathed. Something less than the high tide of this time last year, eh?
    I actually ended up paying a visit to your party's bookstore this weekend to see Joshua Moufawad Paul speak. It was pretty alright, though there was an over representation of older white men who liked to hear themselves speak.
    In any case, don't worry too much about reading over my rambling - I ended up making a handful of changes/corrections myself, and started distributing it yesterday because I was anxious. That said, you're welcome to make suggestions for future revisions.
  10. Parvati
    No problem for the translation, I can double checked it!
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