Conversation Between Little Bobby Hutton and red cat

  1. No problem Comrade, and to be honest, rosa has shown she is scared to engage in real discussion on the subject, thus losing credibility, i will just have a look online for dialectics and such
  2. Thanks for your complement.

    What are you going to do about your thread on dialectics? I think Rosa will do her best not to engage in a direct debate there.
  3. Volunteers for what purpose? I am sure the Nepalese Maoists could use a good doctor or engineer at the moment. In other countries you can't volunteer in their struggle, because you don't know their culture and won't be able to merge with the people.

    I think the best way to help third world movements out is propagandizing in their favour in your own country and trying to construct your own movement.
  4. Hey comrade, i was wondering if you knew if the Maoist movements in nepal, philipines and the ML farc take westerners as volunteers, cheers, also your the best poster on revleft, much love.

    Little Bobby
  5. I have asked jazzarat to moderate the thread, making sure its one person questions one answers without refusal to answewr, flaming etc

    Rosa wont be able to dodge or refuse to answer.
  6. Also, please ask people to keep their posts short and simple, and not to link to other enormous essays. Otherwise this thread won't serve its purpose.
  7. How many others want to follow the thread?

    I don't want to ask the first question. Our theory is well established, Rosa's is not. So let her ask the first question.
  8. put a question down and rosa will have to answer before she can just ask more questions, and vice versa, this way no flaming will occur, its up to you anyway comrade, but i hope yopu both get stuck in for us.
  9. Nice initiative, but to get an idea of how Rosa can dodge challenges, please go through the thread on Cantor's theorem.
  10. please engage in my redcat rosa thread, i am really interested in dialectics, maos theory of change, would you debate with rosa for all us dialectic virgins here please
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14