Conversation Between The Ben G and Chambered Word

  1. The Ben G
    Yeah man. They are one of the best Post Punk bands out there. They have more in common with Godflesh then with the Smiths.
  2. Chambered Word
    Dude you should do some reading and find out what you most agree with. Alpha's gonna do the same he tells me.

    The Swans? Are they a band?
  3. The Ben G
    Do you like the Swans?
  4. The Ben G
    Bach Nay. I just want to have something other than Trotskyist for a while. I already have Trotskyist all over everything else.
  5. Chambered Word
    Been confused about your tendency lately?
  6. Chambered Word
    Vyvyan, fuck yeah.
  7. Chambered Word
    O rly? I haven't been paying attention to that.
  8. The Ben G
    I have more Friends and Page views than you N00b!
  9. The Ben G
    No, I prefer Trotskyite to Castroite.
  10. Chambered Word
    Hmm, I'm not sure I'd call you a Castroite then if you take that view but oh well.
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