Conversation Between Mujer Libre and Black Dagger

  1. Mujer Libre
    You smell.
  2. Mujer Libre
    My brother failed 1 subject out of 4 in what he thought what he thought was his final sem of masters... I live in a house of depression atm. Plus the HD TV sploded.
  3. Sif failed.
  4. Mujer Libre
    Oh and exam results are delayed, apparently the committee meets today- so I may still have failed. Life's good.
  5. Mujer Libre
    I keep checking my phone every minute. Anxiety problems ftl.
  6. Awww *throat sage*
  7. Mujer Libre
    Sore throat = teh lame.
  8. Mujer Libre
    I only just got home from Monash Med Centre. EPIC MONASH FAIL. Srsly. Learn to be more central. And less affiliated to an inferior university. <.<
  9. Awww, can i call?
  10. Mujer Libre
    Hey. I am currently actualising passport photos for my job apps. Le gros sigh.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 46
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