Conversation Between Kitty_Paine and #FF0000

  1. #FF0000
  2. Kitty_Paine
    Smiley Face
  3. #FF0000
    your avatar is p. cool good job
  4. Kitty_Paine
    Well, I'm glad I could entertain you with "Nazi fun-facts", lol. Their are a lot of fun and interesting Nazi fun-facts out there, they were an odd bunch. And I'm glad you knew what "Sans-culotte" was... most people are like "WTF is that?"
  5. #FF0000
    the fun-facts about the edelweiss and it hit me what "sans-culotte" was from.
  6. Kitty_Paine
    Why, hello there. What made you decide I was friend worthy material? lol
  7. #FF0000
    o hi there
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