Conversation Between Die Neue Zeit and Kassad

  1. Kassad
    It was an example. You said me raising a legitimate grievance with your party was mud-slinging, so why is criticizing the Democratic Party not mud-slinging as well?
  2. Die Neue Zeit
    "Democratic Party": You've got the wrong party, bud.
  3. Kassad
    Right, because legitimate criticisms of a party are 'mud slinging' now. So now I can't raise legitimate criticisms of the Democratic Party because it's 'mud slinging.' Thank you, Lord Richter, for your wisdom.
  4. Die Neue Zeit
    There's a difference between promoting one's own party in a professional manner and resorting to mud-slinging in order to "promote" it.
  5. Kassad
    Because only to people like Jacob Richter can promoting your party be a negative thing. You have absolutely no comprehension of American radical parties, seeing that you support social-democratic ones, yet you would criticize me for promoting my party? It's honestly a damn shame you aren't restricted.
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