Conversation Between Anti-Traditional and Dr Doom

  1. Dr Doom
    yeah i actually missed that when it was televised a few years ago. definitley interesting stuff. The ira's role in the downfall of the limerick and Munster soviets speaks volumes.
  2. Anti-Traditional 'Soviets of Ireland'- very good documentary.
  3. Dr Doom
    oh for sure, that shit forever contaminated the idea of socialism in ireland with nationalism. so much so that even the largest anarchist group in Ireland are incredibly soft on republicanism. tragic.
  4. Anti-Traditional
    I think James Connolly has to take a large share of the blame, the participation of his group in the Easter Rising with Pearse's Nationalists set the precedent.
  5. Dr Doom
    indeed, sadly there are literally only a handful of us
  6. Anti-Traditional
    Good to see an Irish Communist who hasn't been fooled by nationalism.
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