Conversation Between l'Enfermé and Workers-Control-Over-Prod

  1. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Quite a bit I would say. The Marxist platform within the Left Party is called "Marx21" and is very popular and one of the biggest in the party. It's difficult to say how many of the party are real Marxists, but left liberals are trampled upon within the party as the election for the party program showed.
  2. What do you think about Die Linke? How much influence do the Marxists have in the organization?
  3. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Yes, i saw his video on the USSR that Q posted. I of course agree that it was not a communist class structure, it was Socialism, which can be categorized as State-Capitalism imo. Ticktin is very dogmatic and the most unbalanced critic of the USSR that i have come across. His claim that "money did not exist" is wrong, it was money that was quite a "soft currency". Of course i disagree with a lot of things in the USSR, example that there were no consumer markets, not a fast enough transition to getting rid of money for labor vouchers to a lower stage of communism etc. If you calculate that the state has very many needs, a relatively autocratic mode of production or efficient tax system, is inevitable. I would opt for a more corporate-type tax system under a new socialism.
  4. Comrade have you ever read anything from comrade Hillel Ticktin re. the the mode of production in and the class nature of the USSR?
  5. Check out Q's new thread in the Weekly Worker Reader's Group comrade, it has potential.
  6. "It is a fact that most fascists are lumpen-proletarian and degenerates, persons who lack fundamental human qualities of compassion, justice. That is my theory to Deicide."
    So very true.
  7. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Yes, it does seem strange doesn't it. I know that the Munich KPD had over 10,000 Red Army soldiers in 1919, so it might be that 7,000 is within the range of what the left KPD's troop numbers were in Berlin.
  8. But do you know their numbers during late 1918 and early 1919?

    And are you sure about the KPD having only 7,000 in 1927? That's crazy! They got over 3 million votes in the 1928 elections the next year, didn't they? And they had over 100,000 members in their paramilitary, no(RFB right?)?
  9. Workers-Control-Over-Prod
    Spartakusbund had 7,000 members in 1927 according to the Weimar Police.
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