Conversation Between Uppercut and Barry Lyndon

  1. Actually, that article I gave you contained a statement from the PCMLE as well. Not that it'll make a difference but if you want the breakdown directly from the PCMLE, here:

    And even when I was a Maoist, I still upheld Stalin all the same. What made me break with Maoism was the fact that the bourgeoise were still managing people's communes, former capitalists were allowed into the CCP, encouraging them to train cadres, and having the state fund private business during the "New Democratic" period. Not to mention that democratic centralism and council were out the window during the GPCR. It's also worth mentioning that Maoists act like the concept of Cultural Revolution and the mass line begins and ends with Mao.

    But if a tendency change makes you hate me that much, then that's your problem.
  2. Except this statement was from Chile. I was talking about Ecuadorian Hoxhaists and their cheerleaders here. Maybe its you who should try again.

    I liked you so much better when you were a Maoist, seriously.
  3. Not as stupid as Hoxhaists supporting and assisting a right-wing coup attempt in Ecuador. But you knew that.
  4. What changed my views on Maoist China was reading 'Some of Us', about the experiences of Chinese women during the Cultural Revolution, and what a liberating experience it was for them. Before then I assumed that the GPCR was entirely negative, even when I became a socialist, I just read what the International Socialist Review(ISO) wrote about it. It's not that I think the bad stories aren't true, but given the fact that the Cultural Revolution affected nearly every family in China, there's obviously a whole side to the story that isn't exposed in the United States.
  5. It's takes a lot of nerve for them to say Hugo Chavez hasn't 'done anything' towards the goal of building socialism given that their political tendency hasn't accomplished diddly squat for over 90 years. At least the anarchists have Spain 1936-39.
  6. Thanks for the support in that thread. These Left communists and anarchists seriously piss me off. They can't even clarify what they mean by "self-management" because apparently, they're the only ones that can understand it. *sigh*
  7. Yeah. I don't mind your politics at all, seeing as you're very open-minded.
    Left communists are far too dogmatic to accomplish anything, I agree.
  8. There are good Trotskyists and good anarchists(I am still a neo-Trotskyist of sorts), it's just the ones that populate this forum that are very annoying. And the left communists are the most annoying of them all.
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