Conversation Between Black Dagger and Bilan

  1. Bilan
    <3 aussi.
  2. <3
  3. Aww, cmere you! *hugs*
  4. Bilan
    I still can't get over the fact that you have "Babakiueria" as your location.
    You are (still) my hero.
  5. Huzzah! No meetings for all!
  6. Bilan
    Excuses, excuses.
    No, it's okay. I can't get to meetings anymore because I'm working all the time.
    I suppose we're even...for now.
  7. I live far away, it's the tyranny of distance i tells ya!
  8. Bilan
    Well, for starters, I am certainly not a Social Democrat, a la the DSP. Nor do I support national liberation movements, or the centralisation of the student movement. The sparts is a given, I suppose.
    Most of these groups I reject for their...well, lets put it blunt, frankly bourgeois politics. Lots of use of elections, lots of bureaucratic structures, national liberation, etc. and just generally shit politics.
    My political tendency hasn't drifted that much.
  9. Well there's also the Sparts, DSP (and Resistance), and Socialist Alternative.

    How does your politics differ from these groups? (Not inc. the sparts of course, coz obviously few people are like the sparts).
  10. Bilan
    Ew. What, like Socialist alliance? Haha!
    No, I surely wont be.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21