Conversation Between Sewer Socialist and Bala Perdida

  1. Sewer Socialist
    Oh, yeah. It reeked of the same old "outside agitator" thing, which is sort of odd, since they usually say that about black activists, including MLK.

    It seemed like things were going strongly, and then there was the whole thing about "white people", though it seemed highly unlikely that it was actually only white people, and things just sort of petered out right afterwards.

    It was kind of the same thing as Occupy in a way, OMG anarchists vs liberals!!1!
  2. Bala Perdida
    I remember that. They ended up throwing around a weird inaccurate racially guilted accusation of white anarchist splinter groups. I should have intervened more, but I wanted to go check shit out in Oakland first. Unfortunately, shit stopped happening when I got there
  3. Sewer Socialist
    Oh, I was asking about something that happened in Berkley before it turned into some weird personal argument with Ravn.

    Anyway, thanks!!
  4. Bala Perdida
    Oooooh... I thought you went down to Berkeley in December? Oh well, must've been someone else. Also, so far you're my favorite new person
  5. Sewer Socialist
    Portland. I haven't been down to the bay in... maybe a couple years?
  6. Bala Perdida
    You in the bay?
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