Conversation Between Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist and Ismail

  1. Ismail
  2. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Would you have anything from Che's reaction to Stalin's death or any other material related to che's view of stalin
  3. Ismail
    Erm, "wrong version"? It should have been a PDF file.

    Anyway, PM me.
  4. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Hello again! I tried to open up that book you sent me on Korea but it said that it was the wrong version, and when i tried to download it from that website it said it was no longer avaliable. Do you know any other way to get it?
  5. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Hello, apparently seman was trying to contact me the otherday. Could you tell Questionable to tell Seman that I'm best contacted through AIM since a lot of my emails get put in the spam filter? If that doesn't work then he can have my other email account where that is less likely to happen
  6. Ismail
    Can't really help you there.
  7. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Hey comrade, thanks for recommending that one book for my research, do you know where I could find information about the rate of illiteracy in Ukraine before and during Soviet rule? I'd be useful for my research. if that is not possible then perhaps I can use pan-soviet statistics though statistics that focus spesfically on Ukraine are ideal since that is the scope of my paper, additionally anything about the expansion of education, the extension of culture, the construction of universities or anything like that would be helpful
  8. Ismail
    "Unnatural sexual relations" between a man and a woman (i.e. sodomy) and between two women were explicitly not illegal per the Albanian penal code. See:
  9. Yet_Another_Boring_Marxist
    Pardon me Ismail, but could you give me some information about lesbianism in Hoxha's Albania?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9