Conversation Between commieathighnoon and l'Enfermé

  1. commieathighnoon
    Mike Macnair unequivacally stated that the working-class requires political democracy to have its dictatorship, and stated that the end of soviet elections and the elimination of party-factionalism was ipso facto a class concession to the power of the petty proprietors of intellectual property which are party cadre and state officials, since they will be able to use their access in the closed world of 'palace intrigue' which characterized the real political order of the post-1921 USSR, and all subsequent Stalinist states.
  2. commieathighnoon
    Except anyone who has actually read any of the professional scholarship on the period, including your guys' own Lars T. Lih, would realize how absurd that is. Mike Macnair is a professional historian--ask him what he thinks of this kind of "what if" speculation.
  3. I've never seen anytyhing by the CPGB-PCC regarding Kronstadt, nor have I ever seen DNZ mention it at all, in fact, DNZ supports Menshevik-Internationals and Left-SRs against the Bolsheviks in 1918, going as far as to say that those two should have removed the Bolsheviks like the Bolsheviks removed the Provisional Government and created a coalition government. So fuck off and get bent jackass.
  4. commieathighnoon
    you should try and actually defend your assertions, rather than just blankly copying DNZ and the CPGB and expecting it to carry you over
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