Conversation Between argeiphontes and Trap Queen Voxxy

  1. Trap Queen Voxxy
    Awwwe, thanks, it was kind of annoying that thread. Glad someone has some sense, I thought I must have went crazy or something, like wtf, common sense.
  2. argeiphontes
    Hey, just wanted to say good job in the PeTA thread. I would ask the people who think PeTA is withholding the water how much water they've given to people in Detroit. They're withholding water!

  3. argeiphontes
    I don't hate you. I'm just not a revolutionary socialist anymore, so it's for the best.
  4. Trap Queen Voxxy
    Is it because you hate me? Have I not extolled the virtues of piracy enough? The fountain of youth of no interest to you?
  5. argeiphontes
    Sorry, I've been trending in that direction for a while now.
  6. Trap Queen Voxxy
    I see you are Mutualist why you do this?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6