Conversation Between EvilRedGuy and Widerstand

  1. It's all info you can pick up from RevLeft threads if you search! I'm merely collecting it
  2. EvilRedGuy
    Is your usertitle a joke or do you serious believe Bakunin = Hitler?
  3. EvilRedGuy
    You're not reading what im typing. *Facepalm*
  4. You're trolling surely. I mean, you can't seriously be that hypocritical...
  5. EvilRedGuy
    Stop calling peoples names whithout reason.
  6. EvilRedGuy
  7. you're also stupid.
  8. EvilRedGuy
    Ofcourse im mad when isee that anti-indegenous workers pro-imperialist pro-colonialist like you are allowed and not restricted on this forum.
  9. you maaad?
  10. EvilRedGuy
    Supporting Zionism is like supporting any attacks on indegenous populations. the european attack on native americans, native australians, all natives, etc. Palestininians are indegenous and you are a anti-german/zionist/fascist/radical militarist fuck.
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