Conversation Between RotStern and Rjevan

  1. RotStern
    RotStern LIVES!
  2. RotStern
    Hej Comrade, I see you're back. How was it?
  3. RotStern
    I gots ta get me some of dem benelux pomp treffers
  4. Rjevan
    Well, the facial hair exists but isn't so much goatee-like and I can't remeber either dancing with a black-haired girl nor seeing any handsome dudes around.
    Besides, when I dance it's always godlike!
  5. RotStern
    Do you have a goatee-like facial-hair thingamajig? Were you dancing horribly with a black-haired girl? Then we may have. If you remember a dashingly handsome dude then that's probz me.
  6. Rjevan
    Thanks! Haha, cool; maybe we met without knowing.
  7. RotStern
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY COMRADE!!!!!!! Also, I was at the demo. o-o
  8. Rjevan
    Sorry, I guess I won't be on this week. I have to learn like mad for my final exams... which start on May 6!
  9. RotStern
    You were at the DGB demo? :O :O :O :O !!!!!! :O:O! :O! !!!! :O! :O! :O!!!!! ZOMG!!!!
    Get online.
  10. Rjevan
    Haha, welcome to the capital of great beer!
    Hopefully you'll enjoy your stay, let me know how things work out!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24