Conversation Between dez and Brother No. 1

  1. Brother No. 1
    Yeah and the invasions are tough as nails. You have to be far more advanced to win. :S
  2. dez
    I very much enjoy it, but the game takes too long even on the faster modes so its a bit impractical
  3. Brother No. 1
    yeah. its expansion pacts are also good.
  4. dez
    Its a nice game
  5. Brother No. 1
    Ever play Civ IV?
  6. Brother No. 1
    Most of us ARs,at least the ones I know, are tried of tendency wars. We really do need to build a movement for other then the former CCCP republics not alot of AR parties out there. We need to foucs on the buliding of these parties and the strength we have. Instead of debate we should just try to rebuild. Very good ideas comrade.
  7. dez
    i have put effort and effort and effort in it, and frankly i came to the conclusion that we should focus our strenght on building a movement instead of having that sort of debate with trots.
    Comparatively, is a waste of time, and in the end they achieve what they want.
    They get to be legitimized when we answer to their claims and gain their own sect.
  8. Brother No. 1
    Well I didnt let them do that comrade. Their not going to demonize Stalin while us ARs are here.
  9. dez
    i meant that they dont want to rationalize anything but to demonize stalin to promote their agenda...
  10. Brother No. 1
    I am promoting but you never know how bad this debates can get.
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