Conversation Between Killfacer and Pirate Utopian

  1. Pirate Utopian
    Did make for cool scenes though.
    The movie is full of Evil Dead references.

    It has some cool symbolism in it too like when one guy beats up the nazi's with a hammer and sickle.
  2. Pirate Utopian
    No, I dont even know his adress.

    But I think it's his computer.
  3. Pirate Utopian
    I havent heard of STJ in months and I didnt notice the group being removed until just now.
  4. Pirate Utopian
    Word on the digital street is, they fucked up the CC because the CC restricted zionists and Malte is some anti-German type zionist.
  5. Pirate Utopian
    Why would they do that?
    Fucking assholes.
  6. Pirate Utopian
    What happened to the group?
  7. Pirate Utopian
    I dont know yet, I havent picked something yet, I gotta check out what and where.
  8. Pirate Utopian
    I am in my final year of high school, after this I'll go to HBO which is like uni.

    Is it your first year?
  9. Pirate Utopian
    Pretty good, school started again though.
    Nothing special.

  10. Pirate Utopian
    Oi! CC? You sell out! lol just kidding.

    I hope you get in.
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