Conversation Between Palingenisis and Fat Cat Killer

  1. Absolutely chara, I've no time for those pricks.
  2. Great posts on the OnH thread.

    Moronic teenagers with absolutely no cop on havent a clue what heroin actually does to working class communities and how it can make them unlivable for particularly the elderly....But as far as the Trots are concerned the grannies can just fuck off and everybody should heroin dealers...Complete idiots.
  3. LOL....If only they went to AA meetings!
  4. Fuck the weak wasters, Revolutions never happened of the back of an AA meeting!
  5. Honestly for some of them I really sorry for.

    Some of them I think a bullet through the knee would be a good thing.

  6. They all live in this wee Revleft "ideological utopia" constantly patting each other on the back for great posts and "attacking the Stalinists" most of the wankers are either alcos or druggies? WTF planet dose these wasters live on?
  7. Good thread about the crap in chit-chat....They have no clue what an ordinary working class person would make of it.
  8. Agreed.
  9. Trots in general are scum....But Majakovskji is the worst of them!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9