Conversation Between Palingenisis and ed miliband

  1. ed miliband
    Yeah, they're quite good. It's weird how they moved from the SWP/anti-fascism to... well. Less said about that the better.

    Have you heard these lads? This is the punk band that Douglas Pierce and Tony Wakeford were in before Death in June...Surprisingly good.
  3. ed miliband
    Nah... I'm nothing really. Like I'll take elements of skinhead or punk style but I'm not identifiably either. You might denounce me as a 'trendy' or something, idk. My dad was a goth, or at least hung out with them, back in the day though.
  4. Are you a Goth?
  5. More or less, I dont wear much make up and I like having a tan though but other than that Im pretty Gothy. Nearly everything in my wardrobe is black or grey.
  6. ed miliband
    Yeah, just listening to Clan of Xymox now and I quite like them. They're a band I meant to check out before but never got round to it.

    You probs wont like it but I think Salem kind of create the same atmosphere:

    So are you an actual goth then?
  7. The Cabs were from Shefflied too. I like their very early stuff, after that they went to technoey for me...Do you Clan of Xymox?
  8. ed miliband
    I'm into Clock DVA yeah, though I've only just realised they're not from Belgium but Sheffield. :S
  9. Do you know this song? I dont like their other stuff so much but this one is one of my all time favourites.
  10. The second song you posted is fucking amazing! Thanks.
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