Conversation Between black magick hustla and bcbm

  1. bcbm
    hello there
  2. black magick hustla
  3. black magick hustla
    dude now that i am an expert about the PLM (youve heard about them i remember your flores magon avatar) dude that group was fuckin surreal. they were anarchist cowboys. guns? smuggled weaponry? international wobbly phillibusters? communist republic in a state while your army is a bunch of white people nobody can relate to? villians, fucking crazy outlaws that cross the borders and raid towns? you have it all in the PLM
  4. bcbm
    an eclectic mashing of 20-40 year olds?
  5. black magick hustla
    i went on acid to a pop punk show on friday and needless to say all your friends looked like the people there
  6. bcbm
  7. black magick hustla
    you added me to fb rite
  8. black magick hustla
    whats your beef with portland? i thought you would love it. its full of hipsters and crusties, my friend got a really worthless certification to fix bicycles from there lol
  9. bcbm
    cool. i'm considering coming down that weekend. i'll let you know.
  10. black magick hustla
    yea. ill stay in a friends house
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