Conversation Between Burn A Flag and ComradeMan

  1. Burn A Flag
    So why are you restricted?
  2. Burn A Flag
    Ok, I pretty much agree with you that Hamas is not worthy of any praise and that Israel is not the only state opressing palestinians.
  3. ComradeMan
    No, they are just dicks who don't really understand the issues (or want to understand) beyond slogans and bullshit. I am not Jewish myself but have some Jewish ancestry and relatives. I have also, for some reason or other, spent most of my life with Arabic peoples, Muslims and Palestinians. I find some of their ignorance about stuff actually offensive towards Palestinians too.
  4. Burn A Flag
    Oh lol. Did you just seems a little too supportive of Israel to them or are you actually Jewish or an Israel citizen?
  5. ComradeMan
    No and to be quite honest I found that comment just a little offensive.
  6. Burn A Flag
    Are you really an IDF border guard?
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