Conversation Between Distruzio and Rusty Shackleford

  1. Rusty Shackleford
    (i posted it in order that this post is the first, and the second half is the rest)

    Honestly, your ideology sounds extremely self-contradictory.

    First of all, the state arises directly from the class division of society. The state is a special instrument of repression. It has no allegiance to anything. it is a tool. And who or what class wields it, is the ruler.

    To elevate a single person, or core of people to a position that is above everyone else, even in the most benevolent of manners, still will ultimately end with the foundation of a state. The same goes for the maintainence of private control over productive property. So long as a person reaps majority wealth from a factory of a 1000 individual people, there is goign to be conflict and struggle. Or, say, the person owns a shop and happens to employ 20 people. The owner has all the power and has the power to decide income, especially if there is no minimum wage. Again, struggle and conflict.
  2. Rusty Shackleford
    Out of the struggle and conflict, someone is going to exert their power, be it the workers in numbers, or the owners in dollars. The owner will buy armed guards most likely to patrol the store at night when no one is there, and install cameras to prevent theft and to monitor workers. All the sort of foundations of the state.

    thats my take on it at least.
  3. Rusty Shackleford
    anarcho-monarchism. wut? please explain.
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