Conversation Between Goblin and Geiseric

  1. Geiseric
    Sup hombre how's it going?
  2. Thanks!
  3. Geiseric
    Hey, sorry I took so long to reply. The IS-FI doesn't have a website yet... However, here's the website of my local group. At this point, the leadership from the POI in France and the Trade Union Leadership of Tunisia are planning on creating a new international labor party though.
  4. Sounds very interesting! Would love some more info
  5. Geiseric
    Hey dude, I was wondering if you've heard of 4th International (La Verte). It's the group i'm in, and I think most Trotskyists would identify with its politics since when it was re-founded in 90's, the Transitional Programme was chosen as its founding constitution/document. If you want more info, I can help you out.
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