Conversation Between bcbm and The Feral Underclass

  1. bcbm
  2. The opposite of moderate is convservative. You hate change.
  3. bcbm
  4. ...Conservative?
  5. bcbm
    Its the psychology of fascism thread.
  6. Can you show me the thread please?
  7. bcbm
    Holden posted a response to US in a new thread that was flamebait and I closed it, which sent him into a whine fest. I eventually ended up merging the threads as it seemed a more reasonable option. I just wanted to get the flame off.
  8. What was all that business about in the post you moved to the Hidden Trash?
  9. bcbm
    My MSN is in the instant messenger thread. I don't know how to do games on Facebook.
  10. For some reason Facebook has deleted my challenge to you. I can't find it anywhere and now I'm playing with some total randomer that I never challenged. Facebook's been acting crazy today. Will you re-challenge?

    I don't know your MSN either...
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