Conversation Between Hit The North and Wanted Man

  1. Hit The North
    So what did CotR demod you for?
  2. Wanted Man
    Well said (in the points below, as well as in the many different threads and userpage discussions). I have no idea where this idea about the need for "BA unity" suddenly came from. It was exactly for that reason that I waited until they asked me as a mod, and not the other way around ("ZOMG plz let me in, I'm a good boy now and I won't ever disagree with admins"). People should become mods because they make good mods, not good sycophants.

    Paranoid bullshit has demonstrably lowered the quality of this forum, and will fuck it up in the long term if the current line is continued. If all mods and admins spent one hour a week less on scanning for dissenting opinions, and one more on doing their jobs, this forum would be fun again.
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