Conversation Between Red Commissar and southernmissfan

  1. southernmissfan
    Yeah, I've noticed quite a few "old timers" are gone. I hate to see that, looks like some good people were lost. Glad everything's good with ya
  2. Red Commissar
    Doing good, glad to hear from you. Not much going on my end. I mostly lurk on here now- just like you really. Not completely lurker though. Happy I survived the 'Great Purge' here though (as some have taken to calling it).
  3. southernmissfan
    Hey man, first time on the forum in a long while. Hope everything is going alright on your end.
  4. Red Commissar
    Yeah, the estimate is currently at 315 dead across the south. We had a few touch down here in Texas but they were nowhere near as bad as the stuff you got. Worst we had to worry about was some downed fences and branches, no where near that bad...

    Good to hear you are well.
  5. southernmissfan
    No damage around me, though areas all around got hit hard. I'm at my university library right now, that's how I have power and internet, which is about an hour away from my house. I live in Huntsville, and our whole county has no power or anything. TVA got destroyed pretty bad so they're saying it still will be a few days at the earliest. We are under a dusk to dawn curfew. City and local government pretty much isn't doing shit for anybody. Thankfully gas stations and grocery stores are opening back up. You guys keep Alabama and the South in your thoughts, there are a lot of workers and poor folks out here struggling badly. Last I heard there were a couple hundred deaths statewide, but again I have no real access to news or reliable info. All we have is radio and people calling in. Thankfully I've managed to get occasional cell service and check on most of my friends. I appreciate your concern man!
  6. Red Commissar
    I hope the twisters didn't fuck up shit around you too much...
  7. southernmissfan
    Haha I hear you. I usually just lurk because I am not as well-read as I would like to be...
  8. Red Commissar
    Yea I lurk here too, didn't bother making an account until just recently.

    I'm worried at some point I'll probably be called out for being too reformist or bourgeoisie or something, lol.
  9. southernmissfan
    Hell yeah man. Good to see you on here. I usually just lurk here but it's a good place...
  10. Red Commissar
    I'm MercZ at the forums and the name looked familiar is all.
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