Conversation Between Skooma Addict and Bud Struggle

  1. There's a lot to be said for those computer programs that clue you into buy and sell triggers. They are not always completely "on" the market. But often being a little behind isn't that bad either.
  2. I have been reading up on it for the past year. I plan on doing research/reading for another year and then entering the market. Hopefully my unimaginably boring and tedious accounting classes will have proved useful for something.
  3. A good deal. It makes me money, what can I say?
  4. Do you invest in the stock market?
  5. Yup, Gack certainly is delusional.
  6. NE Ohio is south of me, haha.
  7. Fooled me. I didn't know ANY American knew anything about soccer.
  8. I am not British, haha. I could never live in a country with terrible weather year round. I would seriously get depressed. I am American.
  9. I take it your British. Never thought of you as such. (Not that there's anying wrong with being British.)
  10. "Got any pictures of them? "

    Haha. I literally laughed out loud when I read this. Great Post.
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