Conversation Between Offbeat and TheRedAnarchist23

  1. Offbeat
    Haha I don't know...maybe people just like my posts
  2. I noticed you only have 39 post and even so you have more rep than me...
    How do you do that?
  3. Good, anarcho-syndicalists put too much enphases on comitees and eventually create a very complicated system, our system of community federations is more simple.
  4. Offbeat
    I don't tend to label myself as a specific tendency of anarchism, but since you ask I would probably say Anarcho-Communism.
  5. By the way, what tendency of anarchism do you support?
  6. It is very hard to convert socialists to anarchism.
    The anarchists and socialists tried to work together in the first international (SPOILERS) it did not work.

    The definition of dictatorship of the proletariat is what divides the socialists: ones believe it means an totalitarian form of government, others think it is something like anarcho-syndicalism, so it is possible to work with left-coms and libertarian marxists, but not the more authoritarian tendencies of socialism.
    I hate leninists and stalinists, first of all they killed our comrades in the russian revolution, then they opressed the population of Russia for many decades.

    Remember that every socialist supports authoritarianism until proven otherwise, all tendencies of anarchism are libertarian, but socialism has many tendencies, many of them authoritarian.
  7. Offbeat
    Well I have no problem working with Left Coms as they have a very similar position to ours. But Leninists I'm not as sure about, after all they didn't treat anarchists all that nicely during the Russian Revolution...but if we do work with them at least we can try and convert them to our way of thinking, and although our approaches might be different we still have the same goal...I think I am prepared to work with most of them, maybe not the most dogmatic Stalinists but Trots generally aren't that bad.
  8. Anarchism is based in ideals of freedom, socialism is a system we have added to it because "Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice; Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality".
    By socialists I meant the authoritarian socialists.
    Anarchism is a form of libertarianism combined with socialism, but there are forms of anarchism that were not combined with socialism, instead they were combined with individualism, thus creating anarcho-individualism and anarcho-capitalism.
    If you have more questions don't hesitate to ask.
  9. Offbeat
    What do you mean by "socialists" comrade? I always consider anarchism a form of socialism, do you mean non-anarchist Marxists, or more specifically Leninists?
  10. I saw your post on "left unity" and I must explain to you why socialists and anarchists cannot work together: even though our goals are the same, our means are completly different, because one supports authoritarianism and the other supports libertarianism.
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