Conversation Between SocialismOrBarbarism and Sand Castle

  1. Well I doubt it's the only people he does it to, but I noticed it when he started calling for workers to form action committees independent of the trade unions, something that's unique to wsws. I don't watch his channel so I don't really keep tabs on how much he's doing it anymore, but an easy way to find where he has done this is to look for some of the titles of his videos on wsws, for example, "Bill Cosby endorses attack on public education in Detroit," a word for word copy of their article of the same title.

    Also, I just watched a newer video of his(Despite Claim, No New Jobs Created in March), and he seems to be simply rewording their articles now instead of straight up copying them. Compare it to the wsws article "No economic recovery for the working class."

    If you point out on his videos that he does this he will delete your comment, so it's not as if he is simply trying to share their articles in good faith.
  2. Sand Castle
    Can you give me specific article titles from WSWS that the Maoist Rebel News has supposedly stolen? I've heard this charge before, but nobody ever gave me any examples when I asked for them. Thanks.
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