Conversation Between Jack and Manifesto

  1. Manifesto
    You change your avatar a lot.
  2. Manifesto
    Hey are you a vegan because it is unhealthy, immoral or both?
  3. Manifesto
    OK let me restate it a little bit better. You know those natural grocery stores? Are they actually healthier for you or is it a lie like that margarine is better for you than butter when its not.
  4. Well your question doesn't make sense, so I was assuming you were asking if Earthlings was a health food store.
  5. Manifesto
    I have not seen Earthlings yet and was not talking about that.
  6. Um, Earthlings is a documentary....
  7. Manifesto
    Are those like natural grocery stores actually have healthy food?
  8. Yep. I forgot to mention the horrible damage the animal industry does to the enviroment too.

    Check out the documentary "Earthlings" on Youtube, it's damn good.
  9. Manifesto
    I also heard that it is legal for slaughterhouses to sell meat to people as long as the animal can walk to be killed no matter what they have (because if they can walk they must be healthy) and they are also poked with metal rods.
  10. Animal products are extremly unhealthy, they're the main cause of several kinds of cancer (stomach, skin etc) and heart disease. By going vegan, and doing so correctly (not living off pasta or some crap like that) your life expectancy increases by 7 years.

    THe Livestock industry is cruel. The majority of meat is produced in factory farms where the animals can barely move, until they are slaughtered in the most vicious manner. Eggs are factory farmed too, with chickens packed so tight they can't even lift 1 wing their entire lives; if they are not producing eggs they are starved for up to 2 weeks until it forces them into a new menstreual cycle. Dairy cows are forcefully impregnated to increase milk production, and slaughtered after just 7 years max when they have a natural life expectancy of 30 years.
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