Conversation Between Edelweiss and Destroy capitalism

  1. Destroy capitalism
    Dear Malte, have a look at the thread prank calls -some of it has been removed since last night, but a famale I found the description of torturing an ex gilrfriend to the point of tears and laughing at her absolutely despicable, in fact the whole thread reveals the puerile nature of some members and such nonsense will cause all serious committed lifelong revolutionaries to write off this site as a 'bunch of students going through a rebel phase they'll grow out of'. therefore I ask for my profile to be deleted, i have study to do so i'm not going to go to the time and trouble of deleting all my posts. I do this with regret as I gained some useful information from some Irish comrades here however I will be telling people to keep away from this site, if the people on prank calls thread are the calibre then we're fucked
    Elaine - if you have anything to say to me in response you can email [email protected]
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