Conversation Between ZeroNowhere and Lyev

  1. Google 'valorisation of value' (or: "valorisation of value", and you'll find a couple of Marx's usages. Generally, he also referred to the valorisation process, value's valorisation, value being valorised, capital's self-valorisation, etc. For example, he titles a section of his 1863 manuscripts 'the valorisation process'.
  2. Lyev
    So basically it's a description of the circuit of capital? I've never heard the phrase before, I googled it after I read that post but couldn't find much. Could you direct me to some works of Marx where he uses it? Thanks.
  3. Essentially, it's a term which Marx used to refer to value turning into more value, in other words the process M - C -M'. Hence, Marx refers to the capitalist production process as the valorisation process.
  4. Lyev
    Ah I found it, but you actually said "valorization of value", although, for Marxists, I suppose value is labour and vice versa, right? Here:, about 4 paragraphs up from the bottom.
  5. Sorry, can you please link me to the post in which I used the phrase?

    Thank you,
  6. Lyev
    Hello Zero, quick question if you don't mind; what do you mean when you talk about the "valourization of labour"? Thanks.
  7. Lyev
    Thank you, it's mainly fictitious capital and linking the theory of the falling rate of profit directly into an explanation of the current crisis.
  8. The section on Marx in Anwar Shaikh's 'An Introduction to the History of Crisis Theories' is probably the simplest explanation of the falling rate of profit theory that I recall thus far. Regarding the Kliman paper, perhaps it would be easier if you checked out some of the interviews and speeches on his site, since they put forward the general idea quite well, and will probably make it easier to understand what he's getting at in the longer work.

    Regarding fictitious capital, this talk by Mike Egoavil is probably worth reading.
  9. Lyev
    Hello Zero, following the advice and such you've given me about the current economic crisis I was wondering if I could have your help in understanding some aspects the crisis? I have explained most of it in this thread ( linking the theory of the falling rate of profit into the outsourcing of labour and surge of immigrants into the developed western world in the 70s, but I get lost when linking this all into the current crisis, what with the sum-prime mortgages and toxic loans, but also the the credit and loans that were given out in the 70s as well. I could be wrong in some aspects as well. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks a lot comrade.
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