Conversation Between Volcanicity and The Vegan Marxist

  1. The Vegan Marxist
    Thank you comrade! I'm glad you found it interesting. ^_^
  2. Volcanicity
    I've just finished reading your "From China to Libya"piece critiquing the article from Kasama,it made for an interesting read.Good stuff Comrade keep it up.
  3. The Vegan Marxist
    No problem comrade.
  4. Volcanicity
    That's exactly what I'm looking for,thank you for your help Comrade I appreciate it.
  5. The Vegan Marxist
    "China's Global Strategy" by Jenny Clegg, "China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia" by David C. Kang, "China's Communist Party: Atrophy and Adaptation" by David L. Shambaugh, and if you're interested in reading a book that goes into the process between Mao's China to where we see China today, then I highly recommend you reading "China's Socialist Modernization" by Yu Guangyuan.
  6. Volcanicity
    Hey TVM,I'm looking for a book on the economics of modern day China is there anything you can recommend me?.
  7. Volcanicity
    Hey TVM, good for you for admitting you were wrong about Vietnam.
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