Conversation Between Drosophila and Q

  1. Q

    If you like to address them in public, why don't you send in your own letter? Ah wait, I suppose you're not interested in "useless polemics".

    Suffice that:
    1. Those "masculine" letters were written by non-CPGB'ers.
    2. The CPGB has also published letters countering them.
    3. They publish these to let debate occur and be able to engage in ideas.
    4. If you see something "anti-feminist" in those articles, then I'm just not seeing it. Oh dear, I must be "anti-feminist" too then!
  2. Nah, it really looks to be the case that the CPBG has an anti-feminist stance, and has even been publishing letters over the past couple weeks by masculists. Perhaps you should address these supposedly "misrepresented political positions" in public rather than cowardly sending negative reputation messages.
  3. Q
    No, you're willfully misrepresenting political positions, which is making you a troll.

    But carry on.
  4. Thanks for the negrep. So pointing out that you're all a bunch of hypocrites makes me a troll? rofl
  5. I tried to have a casual debate in the Parliament & Mass Party thread and l'Enferme and 9mm resorting to telling me to "fuck off," accused me of being a rubber stamp for other people, and acted as if I'd betrayed them by abandoning my former views. Sorry, but I'm not going to stand by and act "comradely" with a group of people that thinks I'm an idiot who can't speak for himself.

    I've known that these two are sockpuppets for weeks, but I didn't really want to speak on it publicly since I knew it'd cause even more drama. I'm doing it now because I'm annoyed that two people in violation of board rules (one that is a possible racist) can be moderators while several good members have been banned for far more trivial things.
  6. I went to a meeting they had today and was pleasantly surprised. It seems they have a lot of good things to say. Unfortunately, their support for Jill Stein & the Green Party became a big focus of the discussion. They also seem to be unnecessarily hostile to the IMT, which is also active around here. But today was their first meeting in this area, so maybe those things will improve over time.
  7. Q
    Yeah, I'm a member of the Dutch CWI branch. The Americans come over to me as relaxed and committed comrades. I've never been to the states, so I can't say a lot first hand about the organisations' functioning.
  8. Are you familiar with Socialist Alternative, the American affiliate of the CWI? If so, how are they as an organization? I came into contact with one of their representatives, who had a table set up on my college campus.
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