Conversation Between Adi Shankara and Weezer

  1. Weezer
    Do you has facebook?
  2. The implementation of 5-point plans, a "Great Turn" from capitalism, and the restoration or adaption of policies akin to the Brezhnev Doctrine, which led to economic growth while the economy collapsed in the USA.
  3. Weezer
    Economic Stalinist? How exactly could his policies be applied to the present day?
  4. I'm more of an economic Stalinist, and a admirer of his military policies. I think Khruschev's De-Stalinization and the revisionist tendencies have given Stalin a bad turn in history, one that he doesn't deserve, and one that the majority of former-Soviets agree against.
  5. Weezer
    You're a Stalinist now?
  6. Weezer
    BTW, if you think the Circle Game is the beautiful song in the English language, check this out:
  7. Weezer
    Also, thank you for posting the Circle Game by Joni Mitchell. I never would've found it if you had not posted it.
  8. The Wikipedia article is pretty good, but if you really want to get into the deepness of his genius, try reading this:

    I can honestly say it's worth the 20 dollars it costs. it'll change your views of marxism forever, seen as it's from someone who is actually on the ground zero of imperialism's path.
  9. Weezer
    Where's some good stuff on Sankara?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9