Conversation Between Chimurenga. and scarletghoul

  1. scarletghoul
  2. Of course you would be!!
  3. scarletghoul
    funny you should say that; i was actually engaged in frenzied masturbation looking at pictures of the skulls from the Killing Fields, saying under my breath "pol... pot..." like in the dead kennedys song, at the time I got your message.
  4. Go worship Saloth Sar some more, you supporter of fascistmurdergenocidebutchery!!!
  5. Don't. YEAR ONE'S FOR ALL!!!!
  6. scarletghoul
    lol yeah i never got round to taking down that pol pot pic haha
  7. Long live anarcho-polpotism!
  8. Haha, I guess not.
  9. scarletghoul
    wow, we weren't already friends ??
  10. Thanks for the information, comrade. Should be some interesting reading.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12