Conversation Between the last donut of the night and marxistcritic

  1. the last donut of the night
  2. As I have said on this website, my terminology sucks.
  3. the last donut of the night
    It just seems like shoot and dash to me.
  4. I m doing it gradually...
  5. the last donut of the night
    Well, then you can ask a lot of people; Christianity can be pretty diverse (just as communism is devided in its Maoist, Focoist, Leninist, Stalinist, Titoist, Luxembourgist, Left, and many other factions). Then, would you like to know my opinion?

    And just posting like this won't convince anybody. It's like me telling a right-winger a story on a successful communist commune in Russia and expecting him to actually become a communist on the spot.
  6. By anti-gay I mean opposed to homosexualality in any way. Im trying to get people to become athiests, and thats why I post these.
  7. the last donut of the night
    First of all, why do you provoke us? It's not the right way to discuss issues with people when you just want to piss them off. It seems you do this to other Christian members. And your words are also ambiguous. What does anti-gay exactly mean to you? Does it mean believing homosexuality is a sin in itself? If you mean on a legal sense, many Christians believe that gays should not be discriminated against, yet believe homosexual acts are immoral. I don't really know where you're getting at.
  8. Heres proof that christianity is anti-gay:

    You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." (Leviticus 18:22)
    and . . .
    "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." (Leviticus 20:13)
  9. Maybe a little of both
  10. the last donut of the night
    Or that the Communist and Anarchist movements have scared religious people away.
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